We expect the jobs situation and staffing requirements in procurement to be different after the 2020 pandemic; organisations will look for procurement professionals with a strong qualification background.
Thus, we strongly recommend that procurement professionals should not spend their time waiting in the wrong line and, instead, use the time productively as a window of opportunity to invest in themselves, consolidating the structure and direction of their procurement professional life.
Join us, at ININ, and start studying – online and offline – for a globally recognised qualification in procurement: for a Diploma or for a Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply from the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply.
Send us an email at office@wordpress5f437f7cc2055.cloud.bunnyroute.com, and specify your interest in obtaining one of these globally recognised qualifications. We will board you in the journey to becoming part of a community of procurement professionals recognised as driving leading edge thinking and professionalism in procurement.
Not sure yet about the need for strengthening your procurement career?
Explore the results of our reflection exercise on detecting the role of procurement in a volatile future environment.
This reflection is based on the current economic reality as well as contents published during the 2020 pandemic by Supply Management, The World Economic Forum, EU News Room and by major Romanian news channels:
- Since COVID has become part of our lives, procurement or supply chain constantly pop up in daily news,mainly in relation to disruptions to value creation.
The 2020 pandemic offered to the procurement function the opportunity for making explicit its direct contribution and value added to the required service levels (in the public sector) or for income and profit assurance (in the private sector).
We believe the contribution made is the result of combining the available skills in managing relationships with the supply network, with the knowledge and the data available within the procurement function for securing the so called “Procurement Mix” or “Procurement Rights” to the best possible extent in light of the very complex and challenging environment.

2. By scrutinising the actual context, we may reasonably assume that:
- there will be no returning to the previous “normal”. When this 2020 pandemic crisis dissipates the world will be different and we will start building an understanding of the holistic picture of the changed behaviours in various social systems. In order to add value, procurement will need to master a new environment, while maintaining and enhancing its proactive approach.
- Procurement will have a path forward and will not disappear as a function when this 2020 pandemic crisis ends. To the contrary, procurement function will strengthen its position in organisations. In practice the 2020 pandemic is the trigger for exploring priorities and directions for future-proofing procurement.
- in many organisations, procurement function will start a transformation journey and will experience a switch of paradigm. Briefly, the actual paradigm of cost efficiency and value extraction through relationship management might become obsolete in the near future.
3. Whilst it might be premature to conceptualise the new paradigm, some hints can be
- For instance, the exercises of aligning procurement objectiveswith the overall goals of the organisation will no longer focus solely on the current perspective on procurement, i.e. that of procurement being considered central to the operations of an organisation. Instead, such exercises may start from the perspective of considering procurement as central to the entire organisation, as a direct and natural consequence of the contribution that procurement made during the pandemic to the sustainable OUTPUT. This contribution has already allowed procurement to demonstrate the capacity of managing a broader range of data, not just those related to the INPUT. A further consequence would be the strengthening of the procurement power in organisations.
- In the last decade, the procurement function made itself proud of the contribution brought to the competitive advantage of organisations or to the achievement of organisational strategic objectives. we expect in the future a call on procurement to contribute directly and actively to the management of organisations building on the already demonstrated ability of procurement to master the mapping and management of supply networks.