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We contribute to the objectives of upper social systems by our involvement in advancing with the improvement of the Romanian health infrastructure at regional level

December 2, 2020

We are pleased to announce that European Investment Bank awarded to Integrate Investment one of the procurement portfolio contracts required for advancing with the improvement of the Romanian health infrastructure at regional level.

The senior health expert, Dr Vlad Mixich, will join the efforts of European Investment Bank Project Advisory Support Team in complementing the actions of Romanian Ministry of Health directly linked to the Project “Construction of 3 Regional Emergency Hospitals in Iaşi, Cluj and Craiova”, acting as independent advisor in providing advisory support in planning and implementing the soft measures for the operationalization of 3 Regional Emergency Hospitals (REHs).

Vlad Mixich is an international advisor in the healthcare sector, working on donor-funded programmes, with or within international institutions across seven countries. He has extensive work experience in the Romanian healthcare system, as well as professional experience at hospital level in the United States and as a health policy analyst in United Kingdom. He was appointed by the European Parliament as an independent health policy expert to the European Union’s agency in charge with occupational health and he is a board member of the European Public Health Alliance, one of Europe’s leading organizations advocating for better health for all.

Through the performance of this contract, we bring our contribution to the fulfilment of one of the major objectives at the level of the social systems we belong to: reducing inequity in access to health services at the national level as well as a more Social Europe, by supporting equal access to healthcare.