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Perspectives on OUG 3/2024

February 14, 2024

We were (and still are 😉) in a market economy: an economic system in which the markets in which goods, services or works are traded are interconnected with the labour, financial or money markets and in which the bankruptcy of a financial or non-financial economic unit is part of the game!  In the short term, we have a solution: GEO 3/2024. Does EO 3/2024 change, in the long term, the perspective on risk management in public procurement at contracting authority level?  If we are not fully convinced of the need to act with due diligence in preparing a procurement – including identifying risks and establishing contractual mechanisms to ensure we have the flexibility to achieve our objectives – let’s take a look at the global risk map published in January 2024 by the WEF, page. 9.