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EIB advisory services (EIBAS) activities inside and outside EU 28

Advisory services for the National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration.

Advisory services on Managerial Internal Control for the National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration for improving the internal control system for the public procurement process. The main activities where ININ provided support were: 

  1. Input in defining the methodological approach, especially evaluation and improvement regarding the Control Activities, Performance and Risk Management components of the internal control system related to the procurement process; 
  2. Coordinating / performing / moderating the desk analysis, workshops, interviews;
  3. Collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data in relation to the area of responsibility; 
  4. Drafting the findings, conclusions and recommendations in relation to the area of responsibility; 

Project results:

Assessment of the current situation of the internal control system at National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration level and proposals for improving the procedures and the internal control system on public procurement

Ernst & Young for European Investment Bank
Feb. 2016 - Apr. 2017