The JV supported Hidroelectrica in the change process to a project-oriented company by provided consulting and training services in process management, change management, organizational design & strategic management.
Project outputs:
- Analyzing the strategies, structures, and cultures of Hidroelectrica;
- Planning the development of the POC structures, the personnel evaluation, the trainings, the pilot projects, the site visit;
- Defining the Strategies, Structures, Cultures of HE as POC:
- Defining Vision, objectives, and values of HE as a POC,
- Developing an HE organization chart, a branch organization chart, the role HE project portfolio group; developing a project portfolio list,
- Developing POC-related HE regulation and procedures,
- Developing a PM career path & POC-related HE role descriptions and representation of POC roles in HE job descriptions,
- Developing a Procedure: Evaluating project personnel,
- Developing a Procedure: Planning POC-related personnel development.